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Achieve a 97% ATS Score: The Ultimate Guide to Landing Interviews with Ease | 97% ATS स्कोर हासिल

In this article, I am going to tell you about the step by step guide to make your resume ATS Friendly. You can gain upto 97% ATS Score by reading this article.

97% ATS Score

Most of the time students make their resume using the canva which is not the correct approach to make ATS friendly resume. When the students makes the resume in canva, they fail to fix many errors in their resume, due to which their resume is not able to pass the ATS test and get rejected in first round only.

It doesnot matter you are talented or not, if you are not able to make the ATS passing resume you will be rejected in screening round. Many a time student thinks that their resume is very good and can be shortlisted. The below is the picture of the very attractive colorful resume which has score of only 20% and fails the ATS test.

20% ats score

If such type of beautiful and attractive resume only gets 20% ATS score, then the question is how the students should create the resume so that it can be shortlisted in the screening round. I have mentioned you some of the approach you can use to optimize you resume and increase the ATS score.

Before starting any point keep in mind that you should be editing all those things in overleaf using latex code. I will provide you the template code of 97% ATS score down below.

  1. While writing the resume you should mention the start dates and end dates for important section of your resume such as project section, experience section, education, achievements and soon.
  2. Secondly you should not use the repetitive words. For example if you have two projects , in one project you have started with “develop the application” then in the second project you should start with “built project” something different from the first one. If you use the word “develop” in both the projects then this is known as repetitive error and your ATS score will decrease.
  3. Next point is you should provide the link to projects and achievements section to increase your ATS score.
  4. Further more your grammar should be very strong. While writing the resume you cannot use the weak grammar. Weak grammar will hurt your ATS score.
  5. You should also work on the styling of the resume using the latex code. While doing the styling you should have the proper margin from top, right, left and bottom of 0.75nm.
  6. The word density should also be correct. You shouldn’t overload the keyword multiple times. It is also the bad practice to use the keyword less time. For good ATS score your resume should have good word density.
  7. Same number of bullet points in all the sections, is the best practice to maximize your ATS score.

If you follow all the steps which I have mentioned above, then definitely you will get the 97% ATS score for sure.

If you still dont understand please watch the video given below for more clarity:

97% ats score

Below I have given you the high ATS score template. You can use that to edit your resume. If you still don’t know how to gain the 97% ATS score (high) for your resume, please contact me at saiyedkhan207@gmail.com. I am here to help you out.


% Set margins
\geometry{top=0.75in, bottom=0.75in, left=0.75in, right=0.75in}

% Define color
\definecolor{sectioncolor}{RGB}{0, 0, 0} % Black for section titles

% No indent for paragraphs

% Title formatting to match the PDF style

% Adjust spacing between items in lists
\setlist[itemize]{left=0pt, label=•, nosep}

% Define a horizontal line similar to the PDF's
\newcommand{\resumesectionline}{\vspace{0.5cm} \hrule \vspace{0.3cm}}


% Name and contact details section
    {\Huge \textbf{FULL NAME}} \\
    \href{mailto:email@example.com}{email@example.com} \textbar{} 
    \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/your-profile}{LinkedIn} \textbar{} 
    \href{https://github.com/yourusername}{GitHub} \textbar{} 

% Horizontal line

\textbf{University Name} \hfill City, Country \\
Degree, CGPA: CGPA VALUE \hfill Start Date - End Date

% Horizontal line


\textbf{Job Title} \hfill City, Country \\
\textit{Company Name} \hfill Start Date - End Date \\
    \item Description of your role, achievements, and impact.
    \item Additional responsibilities or accomplishments.

\textbf{Job Title} \hfill City, Country \\
\textit{Company Name} \hfill Start Date - End Date \\
    \item Description of your role, achievements, and impact.
    \item Additional responsibilities or accomplishments.

% Horizontal line


\textbf{Project Title:} \textit{Technologies Used} (\href{https://project-link.com}{Deployed Link}) \\
    \item Description of the project, key features, and achievements.
    \item Additional details or impact of the project.


\textbf{Project Title:} \textit{Technologies Used} (\href{https://project-link.com}{Deployed Link}) \\
    \item Description of the project, key features, and achievements.
    \item Additional details or impact of the project.

% Horizontal line


    \item \textbf{Achievement Title:} Description of the achievement and its significance.
    \item \textbf{Achievement Title:} Description of the achievement and its significance.

% Horizontal line


    \item \textbf{Languages:} List of programming languages.
    \item \textbf{Technologies and Core Competencies:} List of technologies and core competencies.
    \item \textbf{Cloud Technologies:} List of cloud technologies.
    \item \textbf{Soft skills:} List of soft skills.

% Horizontal line


\textbf{Leadership Role, Organization} \hfill Start Date - End Date \\ 
Description of leadership role, key responsibilities, and accomplishments.
Additional details about leadership activities or impact.


\noindent\href{mailto:email@example.com}{email@example.com} \\
\href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/your-profile}{LinkedIn} \\
\href{https://github.com/yourusername}{GitHub} \\
\href{https://your-portfolio-link}{Portfolio} \\
\href{https://github.com/yourusername/Project-Name}{Project Name} \\
\href{https://your-link.com}{Additional Link} \\
\href{https://your-certification-link.com}{Certification} \\
\href{https://your-link.com}{Additional Resource} \\
\href{https://your-link.com}{Additional Resource} \\
\href{https://your-link.com}{Additional Resource} \\
\href{https://your-link.com}{Additional Resource} \\
\href{https://your-link.com}{Additional Resource}


The given below is the full functional resume with 97% ATS score. If you want this exact resume , you can contact me at gmail:saiyedkhan207@gmail.com.


% Set margins
\geometry{top=0.75in, bottom=0.75in, left=0.75in, right=0.75in}

% Define color
\definecolor{sectioncolor}{RGB}{0, 0, 0} % Black for section titles

% No indent for paragraphs

% Title formatting to match the PDF style

% Adjust spacing between items in lists
\setlist[itemize]{left=0pt, label=•, nosep}

% Define a horizontal line similar to the PDF's
\newcommand{\resumesectionline}{\vspace{0.5cm} \hrule \vspace{0.3cm}}


% Name and contact details section
    {\Huge \textbf{SAIYED AFAK AHMED}} \\
    +91 9233000000 \textbar{} Bijapur, India \\
    \href{mailto:adityajethani11@gmail.com}{saiyedkhan207@gmail.com} \textbar{} \href{https://www.linkedin.com/}{LinkedIn} \textbar{} \href{https://github.com/saiyedkhan207}{GitHub} \textbar{} \href{https://github.com/saiyedkhan207}{Portfolio}

% Horizontal line

\textbf{Pandit Deendayal Energy University} \hfill Gandhinagar, India \\
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering, CGPA: 9.44 \hfill October 2021 - Expected July 2025

% Horizontal line


\textbf{Embedded Systems Intern} \hfill Bangalore, India \\
\textit{Technologics} \hfill March 2023 - September 2023 \\
    \item Developed embedded system solutions for IoT applications, reducing response time by 15\% and increasing data accuracy by 20\%.
    \item Pioneered collaborative efforts between cross-functional teams to ensure seamless hardware-software integration, leading to the successful deployment of 5 integrated systems that improved functionality and user experience for end customers.

\textbf{Artificial Intelligence Intern} \hfill Bangalore, India \\
\textit{Free-Thesis, formerly SysMat Solutions} \hfill March 2023 - May 2023 \\
    \item Enhanced the accuracy of a HGCN brain disease classification model to 96\% with forward pass alpha models.
    \item Created a custom EEGNet deep learning model with self-supervised neural networks to classify depression and analyze seizures into 3 classes with 80\% accuracy score.

% Horizontal line


\textbf{WhatsApp Website with Video Calling Feature:} \textit{Java, WebSockets, Google API, JavaScript} (\href{https://shorturl.at/mnuDT}{Deployed Link}) \\
    \item Built a web-based WhatsApp clone with real-time video calling functionality using WebSockets and Google API for authentication, supporting over 300 daily active users. Reduced connection drop rates by 15\%, resulting in more stable video calls and improved user satisfaction.
    \item Handled over 300 daily users with seamless communication and reduced latency by 20\%.


\textbf{ATM Transaction System using Web Services:} \textit{Java, REST API, Web Services, MySQL} (\href{https://shorturl.at/mnuDT}{Deployed Link}) \\
    \item Designed and implemented a secure transaction system between two ATM networks (SBI and ICICI) using Java and RESTful web services.
    \item Processed over 1,000 transactions daily, ensuring 99.9\% uptime and data security through encryption.
\end{itemize} .......................................................................

Note: The full code is not provided to avoid misuse.


TRENDSXYZ is always their to help the jobseekers to provide jobs. The trendsXYZ makes a best effort to help job seekers in every aspects. If you want to know more about the latest job posting , you can visit my official website https://trendsxyz.com .

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Thanks for sharing this, you are awesome !